Udah ga asing kan dengan software satu ini,ya dengan CCleaner Business Edition 3.16.1666 Full Updater ini ,segala Junk files,Dump memory dan juga berbagai registry yang tidak terpakai yang dapat mengganggu kinerja PC anda akan dibersihkan,ok check this :
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Download CCleaner Business Edition 3.16.1666 Full Updater
Password : sofshare.blogspot.com
Cleans the following
� Internet Explorer. Temporary files, history, cookies, super cookies, Autocomplete form history, index.dat files.
� Firefox. Temporary files, history, cookies, super cookies, download history, form history.
� Google Chrome. Temporary files, history, cookies, super cookies, download history, form history.
� Opera. Temporary files, history, cookies, super cookies, download history.
� Apple Safari. Temporary files, history, cookies, super cookies, form history.
� Other Supported Browsers. K-Meleon, Rockmelt, Flock, Google Chrome Canary, Chromium, SeaMonkey, Chrome Plus, SRWare Iron, Pale Moon, Phoenix, Netscape Navigator, Avant and Maxthon.
� Windows. Recycle Bin, Recent Documents, Temporary files, Log files, Clipboard, DNS Cache, Error Reporting, Memory Dumps, Jump Lists.
� Registry Cleaner. Advanced features to remove unused and old entries, including File Extensions, ActiveX Controls, ClassIDs, ProgIDs, Uninstallers, Shared DLLs, Fonts, Help Files, Application Paths, Icons, Invalid Shortcuts and more�
� Third-party applications. Removes temp files and recent file lists (MRUs) from many apps including Windows Media Player, eMule, Google Toolbar, Microsoft Office, Nero, Adobe Acrobat, WinRAR, WinAce, WinZip and many more�
Changes in CCleaner 3.16.1666 (23 Feb 2012)
Added Scheduled Task management in Startup tool.
Added Option to close running browsers when cleaning.
Improved Google Chrome History cleaning.
Improved Aurora History cleaning.
Improved Windows 8 compatibility.
Added cleaning for AIMP 3, Corel VideoStudio Pro X4 and AlZip.
Improved cleaning for Snagit 10, AntiVir Desktop, Ashampoo Burning Studio 11, and Adobe Acrobat 9.0 and 10.0.
Reduced 64-bit EXE memory usage.
Minor GUI improvements.
System Requirements
CCleaner Business Edition is fully tested and certified on:
Workstations: Windows 7, Vista, XP and 2000.
Servers: Windows 2008 RC2, 2008, 2003 and 2000.
Posted by:
Published :2012-03-10T19:39:00-08:00
CCleaner Business Edition 3.16.1666 Full Updater
how to download, dude?